Youth Well-Being Action Team Meeting

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Name: Youth Well-Being Action Team Meeting
Date: March 7, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM MST
Event Description:
Please join The Blaine County School District, St. Luke's, and Boise State's Communities for Youth to take action and improve the well-being of Blaine County children! Boise State will present evidenced based prevention models around social connections for youth and other factors for the community to take action on and help children thrive. All teens and adults welcome to attend.
"The Den" @ Wood River High School
Date/Time Information:
March 7th 2024, 6pm
Contact Information:
Sarah Seppa 208-727-8733
Free- First 20 community member to RSVP and attend will receive a $15 gas card
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